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Single player dlcs wont make money

single player dlcs wont make money

Each content that the company will drop will ultimately add to the game’s huge world. A devotion to multiplayer content could keep the games profitable for years to come. Is there cross-buy, cross-play, cross-saves between PlayStation and PC? Don’t have an account? Post Comment. I simply cannot embrace things like this, as much as I would like to be someone thrilled at the state of things. RDO is nothing to me.

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Categories Discussions. July 13, AM. They should have added like 3 missions each with each new DLC. Think it would be awesome to have backstory for each DLC. I happened to really enjoy the single player of Battlefield 1.

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single player dlcs wont make money
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Categories Discussions. July 13, AM. They should have added like 3 missions each with each new DLC. Think it would be awesome to have backstory for each DLC.

I happened to really enjoy the single player of Battlefield 1. Or maybe 1 Mission that sets the mood for the Multiplayer DLC and is mandatory to play before you jump in Multiplayer.

I enjoyed the single player as. When I saw how they had set it up, I thought it was so they could and would add to it with dlc. But, alas July 13, PM. Didn’t they state that the single player was one-and-done? Sure they did but can’t remember for definite.

I would have been happy with one war single player dlcs wont make money per dlc, but voice acting costs money, and the ai is garbage so The single player campaigns in this game were awesome!

At the very least, though, they should add single player maps like the series had prior to BF3. Honestly I didn’t like singleplayer in bf1. I’ve completed it to get unique skins but that’s about it. Game is all about multi. I’d play through them but, yeah, the voice lines and cinematic bits take money and time to produce, and it’s not as if they’re exactly getting the DLC out quickly even.

Hopefully that time, money, and man power can be put to good use with multiplayer. Me personally, I could absolutely care less about SP in these games. But I know everyone’s different, so to each his. January 20, AM. Looks like I’m late to the convo. I did hope the extensions has SP games. For all I care they can toss MP out of the window. Boring as. Same every game. Everyone shoot everybody, no story no. I like to play the SP games with historic battles. Hopefully future content will have some for both SP fans and MP fans.

They should, but they probably won’t. April 1, PM. The Single player is fantastic for this game. For multiplayer you just need the map,for singleplayer map,voice acting,cutscenes,a story. Seems like much more work for something most players dont really care. Singleplayer is «okay» in bf1,not more not.

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We will no longer allow you to continually rape our wallets and drain us of our income in support of your corporate greed. Calico45 on October 1, at am said. Solo Diving Guide. Tactic Guide. Helldivers work together to defeat the enemies of Super Earth in a global meta-campaign called the Galactic Campaign. Tech Times’ biggest stories, delivered to your inbox. If you buy it for one PlayStation platform it will automatically appear for download on the. So my White Arabian from Isabella Lake just died. GTA Online was and still is one of the most lucrative vidya cash cows in history, of course they would simgle to replicate it.


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