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How much money would a doctor make

how much money would a doctor make

Check out Capterra’s list of the best Medical Practice Management software solutions. Best 10 Medical Schools by Specialty. Need Help? Outside the U.

How Much Doctors Make by Specialty: $174,000 to $413,000

The data in the report come from more than 19, doctors in 26 specialties who responded to Medscape’s annual survey with information on their compensation for But those averages hide quite a bit of variability based on different factors. The infographic below shows the average earnings for each surveyed specialty. In an explanation of the survey’s findings last year, Medscape noted that «those who perform procedures have the highest incomes compared with those who manage chronic illnesses. Most doctors saw their earnings rise sincewith the exception of a slight decrease for rheumatologists. Earnings also vary by region. Certain regions of the country may have to pay more to attract doctors, so physician salaries often reflect the level of competition more than the cost of living.

10. Dentists make an average of $175,840 a year

how much money would a doctor make
Choosing dentistry as a career comes with some serious perks. You get to work with people one-on-one. You are personally responsible for helping others enhance the quality of their life and achieve better health and wellness. You get to work with your hands. So what could be better than that?

Median Doctor Pay: $187,000

Start Here! Bureau of Labor Statistics. Need Help? A large portion of all physicians have belonged and are in this salary range. This is also a generous income level to have a relatively luxurious doctor lifestyle if you are single, and nearing that if you have a family. Talk to more doctors before taking the leap and make sure they are ones that have been practicing for 5 years or. Skip to main content. Doctors still account for the majority of six-figure positions in the U. Doctor pay has plummeted while overhead has sky rocketed. The gap appears to be narrowing each year. Expand for specific figures by specialty:. Outside the U.


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