For example, Doody Calls is hiring at the moment. One of the biggest ways that I was able to earn some extra money to put towards my student loan debt was by running Facebook ads for local businesses. High-end equipment, such as cameras and drones, can be expensive. Once you do get it going… it can get crazy! Related Topics: additional income breast milk hair ideas make money online research studies selfies selling hair selling plasma ways to make extra money. No deer?
#2 Cheryl sells her Hair: $400
What would you do to make money? Okay, one-off strategies like that are tough to replicate, ewird you may not want to be a venomous snake milker, or watch suicide videos for Google, right? But then there are those jobs as an ice cream tester or restaurant cliff diver, and opportunities to get paid for playing video games or sleeping. Those sound like more fun. So you may find something interesting and profitable to do in the following list of weird ways to make money, or you might just shake your head at most of the entries and wonder why anyone would do .
10 Not So Normal Ways To Make Money
Disclosure: The information we provide is precise and genuine to make your Every Buck Count. However, some of the links provided belong to our affiliate partners and we get paid for it. For more information please check out our Full Advertising Disclosure. Look around you, are you bored of this monotonous life? What we do have are 10 completely different stories of 10 people who were done with life just like you. These people found weird ways to make money online , and they got a well deserved break from their daily struggles. So here we present you- Stories of 10 people who found weird ways to make money online; time to take a break from your boring routine!
1. Work as a Living Statue
What would you do to make money? Okay, one-off strategies like that are tough to replicate, and you may not want to be a venomous snake milker, or watch suicide videos for Google, right? But then there are those jobs as an ice cream tester or restaurant cliff diver, and opportunities to get paid for playing video games or sleeping. Those sound like more fun. So you may find something interesting and profitable to do in the following list of weird ways to make money, or you might just shake your head at most of the entries and wonder why anyone would do.
For example, would you want to…. If you watch the recruiting video on LiceDoctors. Dumpsters, like many painted things, eventually need to be repainted.
There are companies like Container Painting Repair in Maryland that do this work. If you want to do something more creative, you can become an artist who paints murals on dumpsters. He says he was paid to wear promotional t-shirts for companies, and did well enough that this launched various other marketing projects, which eventually made him a cool million.
For example, at JellyFishArt. For that the customer gets a jellyfish, a small tank, and a three-month supply of food. It makes you wonder what other sea life you might sell profitably. That what psychic Lisa Miller does.
How much can you make? Maybe, if you sell people pet oysters, you can also provide communication services when their shellfish pass on.
But there are also opportunities to donate directly to a couple looking for help. The amount of compensation is not mentioned, but a recent posting on SimplyHired.
Eating large amounts of food as fast as possible has become a sport, and one that can involve big money. Consider the events listed on MajorLeagueEating. But be ready for some stiff competition. By betting on how much weight you can lose and then accomplishing your goal. You and others place your bets and a prize is calculated.
I spent two days writing a small ebook on meditation, and included affiliate links to a brainwave entrainment product I liked. Then I gave the book away by the hundreds. Using affiliate links in this way was one of several strategies I used to make thousands of dollars giving away books. On LaughterTherapy. But perhaps, as a simple comedian you can sell similar services without making any therapeutic claims. After many years online, RentAFriend.
For more than seven years Craig Rowin has been asking for a million dollars using a YouTube video. Alas, Rowan later admitted this was a hoax. In any case, perhaps he made some money by boosting his career as a comedian. One guy who had the job was profiled in a post on BuzzFeed. The videos he had to watch included pornography, bestiality, and suicides. He not only needed therapy, but he was let go after a year, at which point Google suggested further therapy.
Want to get paid to be a research test subject? Websites like GPGP. People will pay for just about anything related to a famous person. Take a look at some of the weirdest toilet papers being sold. Now design and sell something new. Millions of effigies of every type are sold. Since burning effigies is generally an insult here, there is perhaps a market for political figures.
And the last time I looked Effigy. Apparently, according to an article on the Huffington Post weird ways to make good money, you can get a dollar-per-kiss if you put your dog to work at a kissing booth.
It may have to be cute for this one to work. How do you get paid to push people around? They push crowds into the trains to fit more passengers. You can watch train pushers in action on YouTube to get an idea of what the work entails.
For example, Doody Calls is hiring at the moment. Yes, there really are people who make a living weird ways to make good money video games competitively. Maybe you could approach hotels and offer a similar service? If there are no takers, check with NASA. They pay people to lay in bed to research the effects of space travel. You might be aware that hunters use deer urine to attract attract deer.
No deer? You could try other animals. Maybe your dog is part wolf? And there are apparently five other ways to get paid to pee. That complaint would make more sense coming from professional condom tester Steve Abbottwho just tests them in a laboratory. Living in a shed is becoming more mainstream, and renting one out for that purpose worked for me. Tenants had access to the house, of course. To make snake anti-venom the venom of snakes must be collected.
But before you apply for such a job, think about Jim Harrison, a snake milker at the Kentucky Reptile Zoo. He has been bit and put on life support 4 times.
At SculptedIceWorks. Water is cheap, so we can assume most of that is gross profit. Another position that is not invented:is professional whistler. Whistling Tomfor example, has been in TV commercials and regularly performs at various events. Interested in this work? Watch a professional whistler workout on YouTube to get started. It takes up to 8 hours, and a lot of special tools, to clean an eight-story screen, explains Michael Quaranto.
He and Andrew Brown started Cleaning Services to do just such work. Business Insider says Matt Farley has produced 14, songs. Topics range from news headlines to going to the bathroom.
How does he make money? By using Spotify and iTunes, targeting popular keywords so he can earn money when people listen. In these polarized times you might try singing insulting songs about every politician out there, and make money from all the hatred.
You may remember pet rocks from the 70s. Well, the the pet rock is back! You may recall how Kyle MacDonald bartered a paperclip into a house through a series of careful exchanges the first step was trading a red paperclip for a fish-shaped pen. It took him almost exactly a year. The companies that sell it use crews of virtual gold farmers in China. There is a documentary on YouTube about these Chinese gold farmers.
The bottom line? Low pay and long hours — unless you own the company. No, Casa Bonita was not invented by the writers of South Park. You can read my profile of restaurant cliff diver Tyler Harding for an idea of what it takes, and yes, they regularly hire new divers. Pot is legal in several states now, and that has led to numerous new businesses.
Forbes magazinefor example, has reported on marijuana tourism companies including pot-friendly hotels and marijuana tours. You could also start a website like ColoradoPotGuide.
Some puppeteers work inside the dinosaurs. Apparently a lot of people obsess about feet. There is even a Wikipedia entry for foot fetishism. But some fetishists are not content with photos…. Small feet and high arches are preferred, in case you wondered. Okay, so you want to keep your feet to. But what do you need all that hair for? Why not sell it?
#1 Joe’s a part-time Hanky-Panky expert: $500
Plasma is actually a clear liquid. Comment Name Email Website. Gooe affiliate links in this way was one of several strategies I used to make thousands of dollars giving away books. Maybe your dog is part wolf? There are competitions for dogs and cats, and many have cash prizes. Louis Post-Dispatch.
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