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Fable 3 making money as good king

fable 3 making money as good king

It’s not that difficult to earn money using the above-described method, and should set you up as a benevolent ruler while preserving the people of the realm without much trouble. You need to progress through the story so that you can unlock the ‘Entrepreneur Pack’ on ‘The Road to Rule’. Next you will want to start buying stalls in Brightwall Village and eventually the pub, black smith and pawnbroker etc. Log In Sign Up. This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.

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No matter what you are, Evil or good, you cannot survive without money. That is why I made this page. This is the overview of it:. When you play the game, you will have to make a decision between and evil. If you are good, the people will love you, but your treasury will have negative money.

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fable 3 making money as good king
Sadly so. Yes, your early days of revolution in Albion are fairly easy-peasy, but eventually Fable III players will have to raise more than 6,, gold in order to save their poor kingdom from certain doom. At whose hands? Well, play the game and you’ll find out. You make all the good decisions, you’re decent to the people of Albion and you’re well-liked.

Step 1: Getting Started

Sadly so. Yes, your early days of revolution in Albion are fairly easy-peasy, but eventually Fable III players will have to raise godo than 6, gold in order to save their poor kingdom from certain doom.

At whose hands? Well, play the game and you’ll find. You make all the good decisions, you’re decent to the people of Albion and you’re well-liked. Unfortunately, this method will come back to bite you in the butt when the time comes to earn gold. There are plenty of abhorrent options in Fable III, and though they’ll make your character into a tyrant, he or she will also have a really easy time late in the game — assuming they don’t steal from the treasury. Evil characters have it.

Saving Albion as a tyrant is fairly easy, fxble there are lots of late-game options that are quite abhorrent, but which save tons of cash and give the treasury almost every piece of gold it needs.

What about those poor, virtuous players who want to save their homeland from imminent destruction, however? This page is primarily for them, detailing methods of keeping the citizenry happy while also keeping them alive. Partway through the game, thanks to a combination of alliance-building and maming combat, your hero becomes the king or queen of Albion. When this happens they become aware of a coming threat that will wipe out most of the people of Albion — if they don’t sufficiently prepare.

After being crowned the character is introduced to the kingdom’s treasury, a rather bare room with a fair amount of gold sitting in a nearby pit. This little pit needs to be bolstered greatly in order to save Albion — though it suffers from the constant needs of the kingdom, proposed by the various people you’ve met during the game and your assistant, ae often deals with issues of taxation and policy.

To be a well-liked monarch, you need to agree to virtually every ‘good’ proposal fablr in front of your nose. This drains the treasury ,ing the breaking point, however, and though there are a few money-making plots built into the storyline most ffable the money will have to be earned via side quests and passive income. Note, too, that 6, doesn’t cover every cost: a safer estimate would come in the 9, range, as the proposals suck money away from the kingdom. Though this rather massive problem doesn’t manifest itself until late kjng Fable III, it’s best to get started on money-making rather early on — indeed, as soon as you arrive in Brightwall.

It’s here that jobs start appearing, and fable 3 making money as good king are ideal for making money. You’ll be viewed as neither good nor bad for doing a job. Lots of good jobs don’t pay nearly as well, to boot. The job options Blacksmith, Pie Maker or Lute Hero are all roughly the same profit-wise, so koney all three and stick with the one you like.

Don’t bother upgrading the other two until you’ve maiing the end of the game and are looking to get every Achievement. All that said, however, you won’t be saving the money you make from jobs. No, that goes into the second step. Over the long haul, property is, by far, the best way to earn money in Fable III. The cash flow is slow at first, but by the end of the game you can be earning well overgold every five minutes, which makes affording the end of the game rather simple.

There are three types of property you can buy in Fable III: homes, businesses and special buildings. Special buildings aren’t terribly profitable, so you’ll want to stick with houses or businesses, both of which yield profits from tenants in the case of houses, so long as you rent the house rather than simply own it.

And out of those two businesses are by far the superior investment. Because houses, unfortunately, have an extra requirement: they need to be repaired every so often, generally once every couple of hours. A house that has whittled down to zero upkeep won’t earn your character any rent from the disgruntled renters. Repairs are both profit- and time-consuming, and aren’t worth the effort. Businesses, on the other hand, generate pure profit. Unfortunately, businesses fabld unlocked until the fifth maknig on the Road to Rule, so you’ll have to wait a little while before you can begin your empire.

Save all of your money until the Entrepreneur Pack can be bought, then snag several small carts and shops from Brightwall and the Dweller Camp. Spread out from there and, using the cash you earn from these royalties and anything earned in jobs, buy the big businesses in Brightwall and Bowerstone, most notably the pubs and pawn shops.

These latter two are easily the most lucrative shops. This process takes a while, but the more you buy, the more you’ll earn. Good characters are typically expected to either keep the profit margins on these businesses at average, or to even lower. This is, however, a mistake. Boost them all to the top to maximize your profits.

True, this is considered a corrupt act, but every other ‘good’ act made in the game will more than make up for the raised prices, and double your cash flow in the process. True, you’ll have to repair them periodically, but it’s much easier and more profitable than fixing half of Albion. So now you’ve got a solid money-making machine and, if mmaking a good king or queen, you have the love of the people. You now need to start making dable decisions that will allow Albion to both thrive and survive the incoming, shadowy threat.

The immediate impulse for good characters — and if you’ve spent a looooong time exploring Albion, you’ll have the cash to back this up — is to take the ‘good’ way out on every decision, aka any decision made with fable 3 making money as good king A button.

But is that fiscally the wisest course? Maybe, maybe not. If your character wants to remain ‘good’ they’ll have to choose the good path in most cases, and that means turning down the many terrible proposals made by Reaver and they are ALL bad for a monarch’s popularity — sending kids to work, for example, is never a good thing.

But there are a few items you may want to consider for dipping into the dark side:. They didn’t like him. Doing this will boost your popularity and allow you to make some less popular decisions down the road with fewer ramifications.

People won’t be happy, but your treasury will start out with a bit of coin rather than being sucked dry from the get-go. This also applies to most decisions where you can simply stick to the middle route.

It’s a contentious idea, true, but doing so will net you a TON of cash that will make the end game much easier. You can thereafter make good decisions on just about everything else and make up the difference with the profits from the brothel.

This eliminates the orphanage, however, so if you want to get the adoption achievement do so before becoming the monarch. The final portion of Fable III takes place over the year prior to the big bad event that’s going to hit Albion, though you don’t get days to take care of all your business. Rather, each day allotted to your character is divided into three or four proposals and hearings, after which you’ll either have a chance to wander around or simply move on to the next day.

Time doesn’t pass fab,e the outings, though once you complete the various proposals and outings the game will move on to the next day automatically, negating any further chances to earn money — and once it hits the end of the line, no more money can be made in preparation for the coming apocalypse. You can, in essence, shoot yourself in the foot if you’re not careful. The ideal stop point for making money is during the quest to retrieve the statue from the Balverines in Silverpines. Once this pops up, either leave the game alone to accumulate money or do your job over and over until you have a satisfactory.

You’ll have to spendgold past this point to keep everyone happy, so keep this in mind while making final calculations. It’s not that difficult to earn money using the above-described fabke, and should set you up as a benevolent ruler while preserving the people of the realm without much trouble.

All it takes is a bit of time and effort — and, if you want to do something other than just mindlessly doing the same job over and over, some forays into monster-filled dungeons. Sounds like fun. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I finished the game owning every building in the game, did all the good things and had over 25 million. I’ve always relied on the houses I’ve bought and upgraded to make the money necessary for mzking part of the game.

Also, selling gems and trinkets is another good way to make quick money. Find the highest paying shop or merchant and sell everything you don’t need. Another good way to make money is this: By being a «good» ruler, people will come and give you gifts.

Some of these gifts are very valuable and can be sold at a pawnbroker for a nice sum. A fascinating look into Fable III. Sounds like a fun and very interesting game. Well written! Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and. HubPages Inc, a part of Maven Inc.

As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. To provide a better website experience, levelskip. Please choose which areas of ,aking service you consent to our doing so. Matt Bird. Wait, so you need 6, gold? Good Evil See results. The Paths of Kingship As you’ve doubtless noticed, there are roughly two ways to run a game of Fable III: — The first is to be a nice prince or princess. A Quick Overview of the Money-Making Problem Partway through the game, thanks to a combination of alliance-building and monster combat, your hero becomes the king or queen of Albion.

Because: — They’re quick; — They’re reliable; — They can be upgraded early, and at a minimal cost; and best of all, — They’re alignment neutral. But there are a few items you may want to consider for dipping into the dark side: — First, though it’s considered a ‘bad’ option, having Logan executed is a popular move with the populace.

All Done? Got better ways to makimg money? Let us all know. Sign In Join. Connect with us. This website uses cookies As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things.

Which path did you take on your first play-through of Fable III: Good or Evil?

The second playthrough, I delayed as much as I could stand between each day, and I also tracked every task in Excel so I’d know for a subsequent playthrough. Note, too, that 6, doesn’t cover every cost: a safer estimate would come in the 9, range, as the proposals suck money away fable 3 making money as good king the kingdom. It is much easier to keep track of what houses need to be repaired if all of them operate on the same schedule. All it takes is a bit of time and effort — and, if you want to do something other than just mindlessly doing the fwble job over and over, some forays into monster-filled dungeons. Set all the prices to highest. You will have a reason to play, and if you follow this guide, you will have positive money in your castle meaning your kingdom treasury, and have a few million more in your sanctuary ws treasury. You can use this food streamline signing up for, or signing in to your Hubpages account.


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