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Why do dermatologists make so much money

why do dermatologists make so much money

There are a lot of people who don’t get into a residency the first year they apply, so they do a year of medicine or a year of surgery, and then apply again to do dermatology. The best thing people can do is do dermatology rotations during medical school. What It’s Like to Be a Farmer. So when you fly solo or have full scope, that’s what really affects your pay. Because if I don’t, how are patients going to believe that I can make them look better?

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why do dermatologists make so much money
Make sure to read the rules! This subreddit is for asking for objective explanations. It is not a repository for any question you may have. LI5 means friendly, simplified and layperson-accessible explanations — not responses aimed at literal five-year-olds. Perform a keyword search, you may find good explanations in past threads. You should also consider looking for your question in the FAQ.

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Make sure to read the rules! This subreddit is for asking for objective explanations. It is not a repository for any question you may. LI5 means friendly, simplified and layperson-accessible explanations — not responses aimed at literal five-year-olds.

Perform a keyword search, you may find good explanations in past threads. You should also consider looking for your question in the FAQ. ELI5: Why do anesthesiologists make so much money? What are they doing that a computer couldn’t manage just as well or better? Are there not enough of them? Is it actually really complicated and needs constant intervention? Anesthesia is very complicated. While it’s true that there are a plethora of drugs which you can shove into the body to knock someone out, in a medical context the patient should ideally actually wake back up after the procedure is finished.

So, we need to not only knock them out, but we need to know that our method for knocking them out won’t kill them, we need to know that our method won’t make their problem worse, we need to know that our method won’t put them into a coma. For a healthy patient who needs to just have an easy procedure done, that’s not a hard task, you just pick a drug which will sedate them temporarily and you’re. That’s why an anesthesiologist won’t actually enter the room when you get a routine procedure like a tonsilectomy, a nurse just administers the drug and it’s.

For a lot of surgeries, though, it’s being performed because the patient is sick. That means that they’re already on a whole bunch of other drugs and their body isn’t working in the way it’s supposed to. You can’t just randomly shoot up a sick person with some drug that’ll knock them out, as it might just make them sicker because it interacts poorly with other medications and their body may not be able to process the drug safely since they’re compromised.

There are even cases where surgery has to be performed without anesthetic because no known drug will sedate the patient without killing. You thus have to be an expert to know whether it’s safe or not to administer an anesthetic, so we need people whose job it is to solely focus on what the right drug to use is. Regular doctors and surgeons have far too many other things to focus on to learn about which anesthetic is appropriate for each case, so they delegate the responsibility to anesthesiologists.

An anesthesiologist is administering drugs that have a fairly high chance of putting you permanently into a catatonic state, or death.

It is a highly specialized field, with a much higher risk of something going wrong and triggering a malpractice suit. The sedatives are constantly being monitored during the operation, with the dosage being constantly adjusted.

Ever patient is different, the dosage and type of medication is different based on the patient, the type of surgery being performed and the duration of the surgery. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. All rights reserved. Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new text post. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. E is for Explain — merely answering a question is not.

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I did my first neurology rotation at the very beginning of my last year of medical school and I found it so depressing. Whether you’re poking around on YouTube or scrolling on Instagram, chances are you’ll come across an advertisement for a trendy new skincare product or a video detailing your favorite influencer’s skincare routine. Have you? Botox, Juvederm and Ultherapy like procedures are one monfy the most expensive treatments in the anti-aging field, which is a root branch of dermatology. Clear editor. Today’s Top Stories. Why is Derm pay so high? When that monry, I tell them they need to make an appointment, that I really need to look in better lighting and use a little scope that lets me see pigment.


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